Yemen- Sheep/per head


For only RM 690/$173, you can provide a Kibas or fat-tailed sheep, ensuring a nutritious meal for families in Yemen, where meat is unaffordable.

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Perform Qurban in Yemen

Qurban Yemen this season: Let your generosity transcend borders and bring hope to those in need. Join hands with Iltizam Relief Society and make a tangible difference in the lives of Yemenis affected by war, poverty, and deprivation.

By participating in Qurban Yemen with us, you provide sustenance, dignity, and the opportunity for a better tomorrow. For only RM 690/$173, you can contribute a Kibas or fat-tailed sheep, ensuring a nutritious meal for families in Yemen, where meat is often unaffordable.

In Islam, Qurbani is not merely a ritual; it’s a profound act of compassion and solidarity. When you perform Qurbani with us, you are fulfilling your religious duty while also uplifting families devastated by difficult situations in Yemen.

For many Yemenis, a single meal of meat is a once-a-year luxury. Let’s change that narrative together. Your Qurban Yemen will not only fill stomachs but also warm hearts and inspire hope.

Join us in making this Qurbani season truly impactful for our brothers and sisters in Yemen. Your generosity will create lasting change and bring joy to those in need.

Additional information

Qurban | Aqiqah

Qurban, Aqiqah


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